Saturday, June 29, 2019

FRUGALITY - Leads to Riches

Leads to Riches

Four cornerstones to become wealthy are -Greed, Frugality, Investments and Risk taking ability.
As per ‘Edmund Burke’, Frugality is based on the principle that all riches have limits!

Money can only be amassed by being frugal. However, frugality should not be equated with being miser or cheap; as it is a prudent and graceful behavior by all means! It means being economical, knowing how to get the best things at the least cost, priorities spending, stick to the budget and lead a well organized life. Frugal people are not emotional or impulsive in spending money and enjoy life within their means.

To save on the electricity bill, a frugal would set the timer of air-conditioner in his room in such a way that the AC automatically turns off within few hours of cooling. They switch off the lights and fans no soon they would leave the room. Frugal people would match the size of the vessel with the quantity of eatable before heating it, in order to conserve cooking gas and save money. At the same time they would appreciate good service rendered by paying tip to a waiter.
Frugal people are generally great negotiators. If they decide to buy a high-end car or house, they would do proper home-work about the product specifications and value it would offer in terms of utility, quality and reliability. They would meet various suppliers of the said product in order to extract best possible deal.
On the other hand, a miser person practices extreme form of frugality, which is often undesirable. They have only one philosophy in life, ‘Save money at any cost’. Leave aside comfort and luxuries which are not even a distant dream for the misers; they would even compromise in meeting the basic necessities of life such as food, clothing and shelter for themselves and their family members. They would act selfish and look at living by the means of others like a parasite, default on loan repayments with an intent to defraud and perhaps buy cheapest products ignoring quality. However, as said by Benjamin Franklin’, misers must understand that, ‘the bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten’.
Warren Buffet is considered as a frugal person who still lives in the same home he bought for $31,500 in 1958; his net worth is $61.1 billion. Mark Zuckerberg, whose net worth is $51.1 billion, drives Black Acura TSX, a car valued just around $30,000.

Whereas, Ms. Hetty Green, nick-named ‘The Witch of Wall Street’ is considered miser.
Hetty Green was a shrewd business woman with a nose for investments and a cool head for shares. In 1864 she inherited $7.5m (about £107m in 2010), but barely touched it, relying on her own banking prowess instead. Extreme stinginess had earned her a place in the Guinness Book of World Records as ‘World’s Greatest Miser’!

Allegedly, she never turned on the heating or hot water, constantly wore one old black dress which was only ever washed at the hems to save on soap. The most outrageous tale of her thriftiness, though, is that of her son and his broken leg. She initially refused to pay for medical treatment, resulting in a condition that later required amputation!

A frugal person doesn’t count small expenses on taking care of others as an extra expense, rather they consider it as their responsibility as a human being. On the other hand, a miser would consider every expense as burden, if they see no gain in return.

Every frugal person, no matter what they do, would always take only what they deserve and would never be unethical towards anyone; whereas, a miser would exploit others. We would have heard of people who put their own hair intentionally in the dish served, just to have free food in a restaurant, these are class a part misers and such act would certainly be considered cheap.

Frugal people spend more time on creating value out of their money and are generous in helping others if they can afford it.

So, let every desire not be a need.

Be Frugal To Be Rich


Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Greed - Is an essence of Evolutionary Spirit.

Is an essence of Evolutionary Spirit

Greed or avarice, is an inordinate or insatiable longing for material gains, be it moneystatus, power or other non-material things such as love, happiness, peace, knowedge, self actualisation and salvation.
Greed has been considered as the root of all the evils and has been strongly condemned by most of the religions. However, when it comes to love for money making and wealth creation, it is nothing less than the second religion for many. It won’t be preposterous in saying that the greed is in the genesis of evolution from the caveman to modern man.
'Renouncement of greed is your path to salvation', is the biggest pretence of modern day saints and preachers, who continue to live out of world class facilities and call it Kutiya (hermitage), take luxurious modes of travel and reward themselves with rich food!
How greed of rich  & famous to acquire more power, wealth and position, is different from that of those souls who are always in quest to seek more knowledge to become authority on the subject or people with strong religious beliefs doing more penance to attain enlightenment, and  the donors donating more to secure place in the heaven after life?  Also, can these pious souls explain who would do the charities for their noble causes, if there were no creation of wealth happening by the wealthy- so called greedy and money hoarders?
Driving force behind any big achievement in the field of business, education, science & technology, art, music, and exploration of universe is nothing else but, ‘greed’ of human beings to know more, be more and grow more. Greed is the only consistent human motivation, which produces preferable economic and social outcomes most of the time and under most conditions.
Altruism may attract our admiration, but it is greed that our society encourages and rewards, and it delivers the goods and riches on which we depend. Poor may dislike rich, but at the same time dream to become rich; and it’s this greed that paves the way in turning their wheels of fortune.
So embrace avarice without feeling embarrassed. Let’s not be ashamed of being greedy as that is an essence of evolutionary spirit. It determines how competitive we are over others and that we deserve better respect over others by virtue of our distinctive achievements.  
Powerful individuals, institutions, vast business empires, stock markets churning trillians and capitalism powered progress would not function without the ever growing greed for profits.
However, let the greed be not like a misguided missile, as that may cause irrational exuberance  and create those asset bubbles, which when burst would lead to great depression kind of financial crisis in the world and in the lives of individuals.